Friday 3 February 2012


hai sume.....fuhh berbulan x edit blog....hehe....hari ni umah nenek sy ade wt kenduri...bnyk keje...penat gile....
pg td,lps mkn,my uincle suroh sy 'korek' telor pindang dlm 1 periok yg besar gile....eeee....geli..air die wrne hitam legam...first2 2 ingtkn best la tp bile pakcik sy bukak je periok 2 fuhh...bau mcm kedai cine...x boleh nk kate dh...pas2 die tnye nk kopek telor ke korek telor? pas2 sy tenong air 2 lame2.....pas2 sy ckp nk korek telor pon wt lah...mule2 2 best la tp bile dh setengah jln...sakit pinggang....hahaha.....dgn daun belambak lg....hahah... maybe that's the first and the last time sy akn buwat keje 2....haha....menyesal jgak...haha k lah GTG...nk wt keje....bnyk lg kene wt...

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tlg beri saye komen anda....satu p0n jadilah....:D...btw,I NEED 2 KNOW UR COMMENT...!!!